eBook: 7 personalisation use cases

7 simple ways to incorporate personalisation into your customer marketing
program to boost retention and drive loyalty.

28 April 2023

Over the past couple of weeks, we’ve discussed why customer marketing teams are struggling to achieve impactful personalisation at scale and how they can overcome those challenges.

With the right people, processes and technology in place to unify, analyse and activate a brands’ online and offline data, marketers can create optimised omnichannel experiences for each customer, serving them the content and offers they want to see, when and where they want to see them.

And we know it works. Personalisation increases purchase frequency and customer value by bolstering engagement, boosting basket sizes and highlighting the cross-/upsell opportunities that customers actually want to see. In fact, we’ve seen predictive targeting and personalisation lead to a 20-30% uplift in engagement for our clients, resulting in £100ks incremental revenue.


Download the eBook to discover 7 simple ways to incorporate personalisation into your customer marketing program.

Get the eBook now

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