Matching diners to dinners at Prezzo

24 August 2023

Q. How did Prezzo streamline its voucher promotions process and accurately match dining data with customers?

A. Prezzo worked with Plinc to introduce unique voucher codes and dynamic web pages that feed vital customer data into Unilyze to create a more robust Single Customer View.

What’s the story?

As a high street restaurant, it can be pretty tricky to identify your customers (eating out is not exactly an online activity), which makes collecting the data you need to improve your targeting that much more difficult. And in an industry where revenue is primarily driven by discount vouchers, this is less than ideal. The client wanted a solution…

What we did

We created a sophisticated voucher distribution process that not only allowed customers to get vouchers via email, the site or the app, but that also created unique codes that the business could easily track.

Integrated user journeys work across the client’s campaign management tool, voucher provider, till system and the front-end web pages Planning-inc host for them, giving customers a seamless sign up and voucher experience.

Using our integration, Prezzo can match customer to offer so that a unique voucher code can be shared on email, on-site or via the client’s app and redemption can be captured at a diner level..

The Impact

The client can now distribute unique voucher codes to their subscriber lists through automated trigger campaigns as well as more targeted ones. As they are redeemed, this has massively improved their customer matching and the data they have on their customers’ preferences is now better than ever.

Are we a fit for you?

If you’d like to chat about how we can help you get more value from your customer marketing, get in touch or request a demo.We’re happy to chat, no pressure.

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